On Saturday, October 18th, Thunder hosted over 100 people to an evening of filled with fine wine, amazing food catered by Fluids, an endless supply of auction items donated by many generous community members, hilarious entertainment by Gery Schubert- Don Cherry Impersonator, exuberant auctioneering by Cory Sekura followed by foot stomping music provided by DJ Maegan Waltz during our Annual Sportsman's Dinner & Auction. The highlight of the evening was a performance by Coaches Mike Mueller and Jack Redlick along with Moe Hamdon and Kelly Harris as they stepped lively in a Frozen River Dance led by our guest impersonator. If you check out the Post To Page section on the left of our Thunder Facebook page, you will be entertained by a brief video clip of this hilarious showing. The Thunder organization and players would also like to take this time to thank all who joined in on the festivities and for those who supported them so generously with bids and/or sponsored items that made the event a great success. Your support allows Thunder to continue to grow and at the same time, develop a legacy that we all can be proud of in Drayton Valley to call our own–Drayton Valley Thunder.