Once again Thunder would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets for Thunder Smoking Hot 50-50 Cash Raffle. Your support helps to make ends meet when the going has been so tough in our economy this season.
We would like to congratulate Kelli Cameron who was our lucky winner for February. She took home a cheque for $7420.00.
Our next DV Thunder 5050 Cash Raffle will be in April. For the month of March, we will be supporting and promoting the Junior Hockey and WHL 50-50. These weekend raffles will be presented by RE/MAX, a joint 50/50 draw launched by the Western Hockey League (WHL) and Alberta Junior Hockey League (AJHL), The proceeds will be shared with Alberta’s five WHL teams and 15 AJHL teams to help offset revenues lost because of the pandemic and the suspension of play. Watch our media for more information to follow.